What do we learn in Library Class

What do we learn in Library Class?

We learn how to be readers and stronger learners! 

This year Mrs. Miller will teach classes on both Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Students visit the library once each week to borrow books and are able to visit before school, after school, or during lunch/recess to get a fresh book. All of our students now have library class instruction each week. Our LNSU district librarians have compiled a curriculum based on the American Association of School Library's Standards for the 21st Century Learner curriculum along with the Common Core State Standards.  This curriculum is vertically aligned so we all deliver students to the middle school with a common set of information literacy skills. 

Main Categories of Library Instructional Units 

Differences between Fiction & Non-Fiction writing

Fictional Genres and Nonfiction Genres

Literacy Appreciation & Skills

Accessing and Navigating our Online Resources

Location Skill

Parts of the Book - Fiction & Non-Fiction

Research & Reference

Digital Citizenship

Navigating the Online Card Catalog 

Citations and Plagiarism      

Red Clover Book Award [Grade K-4]

Students in Grades K-4 are read the 10 best picture books [both fiction and non-fiction] chosen by a panel of Vermont educators and librarians.  They participate in literacy response activities to make connections and increase understanding. Each spring students vote for their favorite book, and these student votes join others from all over Vermont to select the Red Clover Winner for the year. Last year over 24,000 elementary students chose our winner.   

Vermont Golden Dome Book Challenge [Grades 4-6]  

Students in Grades 4-6 are exposed to the 25 best middle grade books [both fiction and non-fiction] chosen by a panel of Vermont educators and librarians.  Students are encourage to read at least 5 books so they can vote for their favorite in the spring.  The votes are sent to the state where the winner is chosen based on student preference.  Our district collaborates to celebrate our DCF readers with an annual Battle of the Books competition held at LUMS each spring.