
Freerice is an educational trivia game that helps you get smarter while making a difference for people around the world. Every question you answer correctly raises 10 grains of rice for the World Food Program (WFP) to support its work saving and changing lives around the world.


Our Library serves the students in Waterville and Belvidere with over 7100 titles. Automated to an online catalog in 2011-12, bringing access to the collection with a click.  Click above to search OPALS. 

Then you can find the books on the shelves by the call number:

    P = Picture Books

    I = I Can Read, Emergent Reader Books

    BC = Beginning Chapter & Series Fiction

    DK = DK Emergent Non-Fiction Books

    F = Fiction

    123 = Non-Fiction Dewey Decimal System, using numbers for subjects

    REF = Reference

Browse our New Items from the home tab in OPALS.  I try to add new items every month!

Access ID: weslibrary

School Passcode:  cougars


1. Click on Sora icon above and then follow the link.

2. Click Select your school and drop down to Lamoille North Modified Unified Union School District.

3. Your library card is your library patron code followed by "cougar".

4. You are now ready to explore and borrow your next e-book or audio book!

This website will give you a view of the world. Use the Kids edition or for a more in depth look at the world, the United States or Canada. You can use the Provinces edition, the States edition or the World edition.

  • Student Username: waterville
  • Student Password: school


WES has a viewing license from VTDOL sponsored by SWANK that gives us copyright permissions to view movies on their list at school Continued through the 23-24 school years, SWANK is providing streaming access to a selection of films, thanks to the ARP ESSER funds, the AOE,VTLIB and IMLS. Login and search using these steps!


  1. Username: WatervilleTeacher

  2. Password: Welcome1

  3. Search for the movie you want, they come alphabetically so scroll away.

  4. If using an iPad, you need to download the app SWANK MEDIA PLAYER first and view through that.

  5. If the title you want to show is not in the collection we can make a special request with SWANK for that movie. A response from them usually comes within a 24 hour period.